Friday, October 16, 2015

Important of Email Communication in business

Email helps business owners share basic information with their employees, such as security precautions, lunch prices, and office guidelines. Managers appreciate that they can send messages to all employees instantly. By emailing messages digitally, businesses save a lot of money on printing supplies.
Proper Email benefits employees and management too. Whenever there are company policy changes, everyone must understand the reasons why the changes were made. By sending out a company email, everyone will receive the policy changes within a matter of minutes.
If any business relies on teamwork, proper communication is the key to efficient collaborations. Everyone must listen to ideas and specific business needs and goals. If you communicate clearly with your employees, they will respect you. As a result, everyone will contribute to the growth of your company.
Email Communication also helps business owners build strong relationships with their outsourced providers and suppliers. By outlining your expectations and company requirements, your business can avert many shipping issues. In addition, you can implement major changes easily by communicating with your suppliers by email.
I have personally seen that how a poor email can ruin orders, business. But you can improve your email writing skills. Ride for Pride is one of such institutes which help professionals learn the art of email writing skills. Here are some general tips I’d like to share with you:

1. Subject Line

Always have a subject line that summarizes briefly and clearly the contents of the message (example: Re: Summary of Our Meeting with VRS Internationals).

2. Simplified Sentences

Don’t make your email look overcrowded by trying to use too many technical terms or long words. It is always good to write simple sentences to ensure that they are easy to understand. The most common mistake that many of our students make is to translate directly from their own language. This can often lead to confusing sentences. So let;s write simple.

3. Think of who your reader is going to be

Is it a colleague, a client or your boss? Should the email be informal or formal? There is fine difference between informal and formal email communication. Note the difference between Informal and Formal:

Informal – Thanks for emailing me on 15th February
Formal – Thank you for your email dated 15th February

Informal – Sorry, I can’t make it.
Formal – I am afraid I will not be able to attend

Informal – Can you…?
Formal – I was wondering if you could….?

 Some emails to colleagues can be informal if you have a long working relationship and know them well. This is the style that is closest to speech, so there are often everyday words and conversational expressions that can be used. For instance, ‘Don’t forget’, ‘Catch you later’, ‘Cheers’. The reader may also accept or overlook minor grammatical errors in informal emails.

However, if the email is going to a client or senior colleague, bad grammar and an over-friendly writing style will most probably not be acceptable.

4. Be very careful of capital letters, punctuation, spelling and basic grammar

While these can be tolerated in informal emails, they are very important in business emails as they are an important part of the image you create. Give yourself time to edit what you’ve written before you push that Send button. In today’s busy world, it’s very easy to send out many emails without checking them thoroughly: as an English learner, you should make a conscious effort to double check before sending.

There are several professional institutes that help you learn basic language skills and Ride for Pride is one of such institutes.

5. Be positive!

The words you use show your attitude to life, so choose your words wisely.
Look at these words: helpful, good question, agreed, together, useful, I will do my best, mutual, opportunity.
Now look at these: busy, crisis, failure, forgets it, I can’t, it’s impossible, waste, hard.
Now you yourself understand which words you would like to use.

6. Get feedback from mentors

Try and get some feedback on the emails that you write. This could be from your English Teacher or someone you know whose English is at a good level. The best option is to go to some professional training institute in English language like Ride for Pride to hone up your skills.  Use Grammar Checkers to proofread your writing instantly.


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