Friday, October 16, 2015

Importance of Team and Team Leader

We all are familiar with the term team. What is a team and what are its characteristics and how to lead a team is importance for any business organization. The growth of both individual and the company largely depends upon the success of the teams involved in its various goals and objective.
I have seen that companies that organize their workers in teams can improve their productivity and identify new approaches to achieving company goals. Therefore I would like here to focus on the characteristics and qualities of effective teams.

Defining Team
One of the many ways for a business to organize employees is in teams. A team is made up of two or more people who work together to achieve a common goal. Teams offer an alternative to a vertical chain-of-command and are a much more inclusive approach to business organization. Teams are becoming more common in the business world today. Effective teams can lead to increased employee motivation and business productivity.

I have worked with large and small organizations, big and small brands, established and startups companies and found the following ten cardinal points for success of team and team leadership.

1) Don’t criticize or complain about people.
It is easier to criticize and hard to appreciate. It is easy to complain and tough to motivate. It needs a leader to avoid criticizing and complaining. Therefore start appreciating today, accentuate the positive and utilize mistakes as opportunities for continued improvement
2) Praise improvement, even minor improvements.
Praising is a leadership attitude. Even small praising words do a lot of improvement in a team member. if you focus on using positive reinforcement rather than negative actions like threats and fear tactics most people want to do the right thing, which means you will find far more success in leading a team.

3) Give honest and sincere praise and appreciation.
All people deeply desire significance. One of the easiest ways you can help fulfill desire that is by offering honest and sincere praise and appreciation whenever possible.
4) Encourage other people to talk and be a good active listener.
Team member want to be heard, really heard, and not patronized. Oftentimes, instead of listening to someone in a conversation, people are really just waiting for an opportunity to speak. If you will listen you will also be heard and when you are heard, you are a success.
5) Make others feel important.
Everyone’s favorite primary subject is themselves, its human nature. Nobody likes to feel ignored and unappreciated. So make them feel important
6) Be sensitive to people’s pride and let them save face.
The simple fact is that all people are prideful creatures. If you can offer criticism or disagreement in a manner that allows them to save face, they’ll be much more willing to cooperate and work with you. Don’t find fault in front of others.
7) Be respectful of other people’s ideas and opinions.
Try to see things from their point of view. When you try to understand another person’s point of view you may find that you learn something. But even if you don’t, you will still find it much easier to respect the people with whom you disagree.
8) If you are wrong, be honest and humble enough to admit it.
As a team leader you can also commit mistakes. At times your decision too can get wrong. In such a situation, admit your mistakes humbly. If you’re honest and humble enough to own up to your mistake, you will gain the respect of those you work with.

9) Set a high bar for people
Let your team member know you believe in their ability to succeed. Set a high bar for your people, believe in them, communicate that to them and be amazed at what they can achieve.

10) Follow the greatest leadership rule ever given
Great leadership isn’t about bossing people around; it’s about inspiring and guiding people towards a common goal for everyone’s benefit. Build your team up, give them credit for their work, praise their efforts and reward them when they succeed.

    There is a saying that states “Be the change that you want to see”, we can adapt that to this discussion by saying “Be the leader that you would want to lead you”.

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