Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Creativity help you excel

Creativity is word with wide meaning but it is very simple to be the same. Generally we mean to be an artist, a painter or a poet or a theatre artist to be a creative person. I will say big no to such meanings.
Creating something new is creativity, be it art or managing life, be it poetry or managing people. The art of developing an unique decision in given condition is creativity. A new solution to any situation, a new bold decision in any tricky situation is also called creativity. A new kind of thought process is creativity.
Yes all cannot be creative. But all can have creativity by practice and persistence. As we know no two persons are alike, so no two persons can be creative in similar way. Therefore being creative is nothing but being exploring yourself. Creativity is like our breath, an integral part of who we are. Exploring yourself, finding your true passions and interests can pave your way to creativity.
Some ways To Be More Creative
 Discover Creativity
 It’s not an attribute that comes with an alarm or a wakeup call—creativity is something that creeps in by original influences, external and internal. Some people argue that creativity cannot be taught; it is an innate quality. However, our levels of creativity can certainly be increased by changing how we view life and the situations we come across. As the famous saying goes, “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun”. So go ahead enhance this hidden ability and let your creative juices flow.
Judge yourself, but don’t be judgemental
Nobody else know you better than you yourself. You can be your best judge. You know what your passions are, what kind of dreams click you, what kind of situations bring best out of you. So don’t discover something from outside. Don’t bother about what the world say about you. Don’t be judgemental about your steps, your vision, your efforts. Be your own judge. It will help you take better decision. It will help you thinking out of box and you know… thinking out of box is creativity.
Listen to your heart
Listen to your heart and your inner instincts to follow the creative path. Don’t let criticism bog you down. If you want to fill colour using a white crayon, go ahead and do it. Someone will surely see beauty in it!
Make a trend, not follow
Trends are followed by crowd. You are not a crowd. You are special. You can define your own trend. You can define your own path. You can leave a trail for others to follow, others to trend.  It will develop your personality in an unique way. It will bring best out of you. It will stand you out from the crowd.
Inspire yourself, Inspire others
Inspiration is the key to creativity, and your greatest source of inspiration is the people around you. Being extremely sociable and working with people around can get your creative side rolling. Everyone has something to offer. Be social. Be friendly. Be everybody’s person. But do not dilute your personality into it. Therefore find inspiration from your world around you but keep your personality distinct from it. In making any decision
Keep yourself charged up
Revitalizing and refuelling yourself with energy is a way of life. Keep those eyes open and the observation skills on the roll. Indulging in projects that are fun gives a chance to play with your interests and taps your creative brain to the utmost.
Take decision In hurdles
If there is a problem, then there is solution to it too. Instead of finding an easy way out, look at them as challenges. Usually in the process of advancing on ideas for the problem that creative and mind-blowing solutions come up. You can see creativity is usually an accident of the optimist.
Never Compare yourself
This is the where you really need to take a stand. Comparing your work with others means you are pulling your creativity down using your own strengths. Keeping that individuality is the key to creativity.

C. R . Arun

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